TANGLED is the 50th animated feature film from Walt Disney Animation Studios, released in Nov 2010 with a short film, TANGLED EVER AFTER, in 2012 and an animated television series TANGLED: THE SERIES, in 2017. Loosely based on the Brothers Grimm fairy tale of the main character's name, Rapunzel has magical long hair which can heal and extend life. Rapunzel escapes the tower in which she is unknowingly imprisoned by her 'Mother' Gothel and gets caught up in the hijinks of a thief, Flynn Rider, which ultimately reveal her true identity as the abducted princess from the nearby kingdom. The feature film received generally favorable praise but failed to outdo any of Disney's signature classics. Comic books based on Tangled consisted merely of a graphic novel adaptation until the TANGLED: THE SERIES animated television show timeframe, to which IDW issued a few original graphic novels and several mini-series. Joe Books published a couple of their cinestory graphic novels in the same timeframe as well.